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                                                                                               Exhibit 31 

                        Exhibit 31 - High Quality Professional Development
                                                      (Screen 19)

All children deserve to be taught by high qualified teachers, and all teachers deserve the opportunity to be involved in high quality professional development. The following criteria can be used to identify high-quality professional development. References to Standards indicate links to the National Staff Development Council's Standards for Staff Development which follows on the next page.

_ actively engages teachers, over time - Standard 2
_ is directly linked to improved student learning so that all children may meet the 
   Show-Me Standards at the proficient lever - Standard 8, 10

_ is directly linked to district and building school improvement plans - Standard 1
_ is developed with extensive participationof teachers, parents, principals, and 
   other administrators - Standard 1, 2, 9

_ provides time and other resources for learning, practice, and follow-up - 
   Standard 3, 7

_ is supported by district and building leadership - Standard 2
_ provides teachers with the opportunity to give the district feedback on the     
   effectiveness of participation in this professional development activity - 
   Standard 5

Some types of activities that might be considered high-quality professional development if they meet the upove requirements are:
_ study groups - Standard 1
_ grade-level collaboration and work - Standard 1, 9
_ content-area collaboration and work - Standard 1, 9
_ specialization-area collaboration and work - Standard 1, 9
_ action research and sharing of findings -Standards 4, 6
_ modeling - Standard 8, 9
_ peer coaching - Standard 8, 9
_ vertical teaming - Standard 1, 9

Topics for high-quality professional development may include:
_ content knowledge related to standards and classroom instruction - Standard 

_ instructional strategies related to content being taught in the classroom - 
   Standard 7

_ improving classroom management skills - Standards 9, 10
_ a combination of content knowledge ans content-specific teaching skill - 
   Standard 7, 11

_ the integration of academic and career education - Standard 9
_ research-based instructional strategies - Standard 6, 11
_ strategies to assist teachers in providing instruction to children with limited 
   English profeiciency to improve their language and academic skills - Standard 

_ instruction in methods of teaching children with special needs - Standard 10
_ instruction in linking secoundary and post-secondary education - Standard 9
_ involving families and other stakeholders in improving the learning of all 
   students -  Standard 10, 12

_ strategies for integrating technology into instruction - Standard 10
_ research and strategies for the education and care of preschool children - 
   Standard 6

TO BE CONSIDERED HIGH-QUALITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, AN ACTIVITY MUST MEET ALL SEVEN OF THE FIRST CRITERIA AND AT LEAST ONE IN EACH OF THE OTHER TWO SETS OF CRITERIA. One-day workshops and short-term confrences and workshops are not considered high-quality professional development, unless they are part of an ongoing program or plan and may not be funded with federal funds. A district may still fund some of these activities out of professional development or other funds they have, but they are not considered high quality. Finally, professional development activities should be regularly evaluated for impact on teacher effectiveness and improved student learning, Standard 5.

Core Data and MOSIS Reference Manual              

As of 11/26/12





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